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Independent review of building regulations and fire safety final report: Landlordsfso ahead of the c

Independent review of building regulations and fire safety final report: Landlordsfso ahead of the curve!

Posted on: 20th May 2018

The final report by Dame Judith Hackitt: Building a Safer Future was released on 17th May.

The report identifies higher risk residential buildings (HRRBs) of over 10 storeys together with two other areas of risk, namely multi-occupied residential buildings (HMOs) and institutional residential buildings.

In all a total of 53 recommendations are made in the report including recommendation 3.3 which suggests a ‘safety management system’ in relation to ‘records of maintenance, inspection and testing undertaken on the structure’.

Landlordsfso provides just that safety management system and shows that we are ahead of the curve in fire safety knowledge and requirements for all responsible persons in the HMO sector.

It is still the ONLY online management system to allow you to record all your fire safety needs in one place!

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